My Gratitude Practice

My Gratitude Practice

I'm sure you've heard people talk about gratitude practices before; it's a common idea. Some of these practices are complicated, and some are simple. What ultimately matters though is that you have a habit or a pattern of expressing your gratitude.  The reason for...

Self Care is Self Love

Self Care is Self Love

So let's get back to basics here. The first step to taking care of yourself, is loving yourself. And all of us need reminders of the love we feel for ourselves! So here's your practice today, sparked by the always enlightening Matt Kahn. Place your hand over your...

You Are Not Your Story

You Are Not Your Story

One of the first things I ask my clients after they have shared with me what brought them to me is, "Are you willing to let go of your story?" This is often met with head scratching and wondering what do I mean by that, exactly? When you talk about your history, you...

“In the past…”

“In the past…”

Let's talk about absolutes. It is my deepest belief that the only absolutes are there are no absolutes! No absolute truths, no absolutely correct ways to approach an experience. There is nothing about you that is absolute either. This is because our souls are...

3 Good Things

3 Good Things

One of the things I have been offering people for years is what I call "3 Good Things". Now, this is totally different from gratitude, so if you think you know what this is about, stick with me for a second. 😉 Energy is magnetic, and like attracts like. So when...

What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the most commonly recognized form of energy medicine in North America. And yet, very few people understand what it is. Tradition tells us is that Reiki is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing technique. Reiki is an organized system of hand positions used to...

What is Energy?

What is Energy?

I am blessed to meet many people in my work. And invariably the question comes, "What is energy, anyway?"  It's a good question, and one that I am happy to try and answer. In physics, we understand that there are 3 states of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous. Each...

Night Terrors

Night Terrors

Parents who have children that suffer from night terrors are living every parent's nightmare. You have a child in obvious distress, with no way to reach them, and no ability to calm them. Which of course goes against the parental imperative: to help your child in any...