Reiki and BEAM are both effective pain and stress
relievers. The intention is to bring peace and light to
the client, allowing them to grow and step into the
perfect, healthy person you are meant to be.


Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Energy. It describes this gentle “laying on of hands” technique known to facilitate the flow of energy into the body, creating balance, harmony & well-being. Reiki is a recommended treatment for people, having the ability to speed healing processes and recovery.


Michelle describes Reiki is like a massage  or your soul. In your appointment, you will have a little chat to discuss what’s going on in your life, you will set intentions, and then you will lay down on the massage table. She will then move around in a systematic way, laying hands on your body and releasing whatever is being stored in your chakra system that no longer serves your highest and best.

Michelle resting hands on individual outside

$90/session, approximately 60 minutes per session.


Bio-energetic Emotional
Access Method

BEAM is a simple, safe, easy, effective and efficient method of releasing and/or neutralizing past unprocessed emotions along with associated toxins. As we process your emotions and traumas, you will gain an intellectual understanding of the trauma and how it has affected you, while releasing it entirely. BEAM works with your physical body, the underlying premise being that every emotion and experience you have (in this life, and in past lives as well) is stored in your chakras. Because of this, you do not need to be consciously aware of the issue to address it.

Michelle providing treatment
Hand with semi colon tattoo

Issues are identified through muscle testing, the understanding being that your body cannot support a false statement.

When you book a BEAM session with Michelle, you will be invited to get comfortable in your chair and drink lots of water. She will guide you through your chakras and help you to release what is stored in your cellular memory.

Typical BEAM sessions last approximately 60 minutes.

$150 for initial assessment and treatment. Plan to stay for 90-120 minutes
$90 per session. About 60 minutes in length.



“I want to share with you Michelle what has happened since my first BEAM session with you. I feel – balanced. Probably for the first time in more than a decade. I know you said if I become overwhelmed to let you know, but quite the opposite – I feel elevated, yet grounded. Still battling some demons, but I am winning. And I love you for all that you are, and all that you do. A sweet mass of eternal blessings to you sunshine.”

– TS from Toronto



The hardest part is saying yes. Say yes to you and your fullest potential to live your best, happy and healthy life.
Get started on your healing journey today.