As an intuitive, I rely on a number of tools in my day-to-day life, not to mention my practice! Today, I want to talk to you about crystals.

Yes! Crystals!

These amazing little stones pack some interesting and amazing powers — plus they are so lovely to look at! They brighten up any space with their colours and their vibrations. Remember: everything is energy, and everything has its own vibration, including crystals.

Here’s a list of 7 must-have crystals for every Intuitive, and what they can do for you.

1. Amethyst
This powerhouse stone not only looks beautiful, it is the true workhorse of the crystal family! It activates your crown chakra, connecting you to your Higher Self and the Divine, allowing you to feel yourself protected, guided and really safe as you move through the world. This is a dynamic stone that also provides general overall healing to the wearer — and when you combine that with the protection it provides, you can see why I always wear amethyst!

2. Malachite
This little beauty of a stone has been a real teacher for me. What I mean by that is it amplifies your natural abilities — malachite has shown me what I am capable of. This crystal focuses your mind, bringing clarity to your thoughts, and grounds you into your intention and your soul’s purpose. It is an excellent stone for protection as it absorbs negativity and expands positivity.

3. Citrine
This crystal is a must-have for any beginning Intuitive. Why do I say that? Well, because one of its properties is to build your trust in yourself. Citrine reminds you of all the wisdom you hold within you, and all the wisdom readily available to you, once you learn to tune into the Universe. It teaches you to go with the flow, and it brings you inner peace while cleansing your energy field and rejuvenating your spirit.

4. Clear Quartz
This is commonly known as the Master Stone because really, if there’s something you want help with and you don’t know what crystal to use, you can almost bet that clear quartz has the properties you need! This stone aligns the body’s chakras and opens your crown chakra to the Divine, granting you guidance and wisdom. Like many crystals, clear quartz absorbs negativity from the atmosphere and energy field, and it steps things up by actually clearing the thoughts of the wearer of negativity as well. If all of this is not enough to convince you, know that clear quartz strengthens your energy field, making you more resilient and resistant to influences that do not have your highest and best at heart. It is a true Master Crystal.

5. Larimar
So many Intuitives have learned over the years to tamp down their emotions and hide who they are. Part of stepping into this side of yourself means opening up to your emotions, so that you can understand what they are telling you. Larimar is a beautiful stone that helps with this; it connects you to your emotions and to the Divine, and helps to bring clarity and understanding. It is also highly effective for those who deal with anxiety, including social anxiety, bringing feelings of safety and comfort to you.

6. Lapis Lazuli
This stone is my go-to when people need to reconnect to their joy and what makes them happy. Lapis Lazuli clarifies for the wearer what makes them happy, and brings them peace, and overall advances spiritual growth and understanding. This crystal is often considered the manifestation stone because it helps you to feel self-confident, which gives you the courage to chase down your dreams. Lapis Lazuli brings all kinds of positive, loving change to you — all the things that truly make our lives joyful.

7. Black Tourmaline
Two of the most commonly overlooked aspects of an Intuitive’s experience of the world are grounding and protection. You need them both if you are to be effective in your life, and black tourmaline is the perfect tool for this job. Its metaphysical properties protect you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — plus it vibrates in such a way as to keep you from becoming overwhelmed! Which is totally possible when you start uncovering all of your hidden talents. Keep Black Tourmaline with you whenever you are working so that you may stay deeply grounded and connected to the earth.

There are lots of crystals out there. Whatever crystals you use, be sure to cleanse your crystals in the light of the full moon, so that they can be recharged to continue their best work for you. Take some time to explore what you like and what feels good for you, because honestly, that is the true path of the Intuitive: trusting your gut feelings, and allowing yourself to simply know some things.

Do you want to learn more about accessing your intuition? We just opened the doors to Ignite Your Intuition, an online certification program where you will hone and develop the Intuitive within all from the the comfort of your own home. This will be the last time I offer this program in 2018, so be sure to snap up your spot before the doors close on November 27!