The earth plane is very negatively charged, and society as a whole in North America is very harsh.  Often our default perceptions are negative because of these factors.  We all want more positivity in our lives, but often wonder, “How?”  Yesterday when I saw a list of how to create lasting, positive change, I knew I had to share it with you.

  1. List 3 things you’re grateful for, every day.  Write them down, say them out loud, or just think of them.  Give thanks for each so as to deepen the explanation of why each item is something you are grateful for.  Doing this causes positivity, light and love to emanate from you, thus attracting more of the same to you.
  2. Journaling. This is one I have to get better at.  The idea is that we are all trapped in our heads, thinking we’ve done so much and really we’ve just thought about it.  Writing out what we’re ruminating over makes gets it out of our heads, allowing our brains to take a deep breath, and ultimately relaxes our bodies.  A relaxed body is automatically positive, inviting more positivity to come.
  3. Exercise.  When a body is in motion through exercise, the heart rate increases, we sweat which stimulates the lymph glands, and the movement releases the toxins that stress stores in our muscles.  We all know that once we’ve gone for a walk we feel better.  I know for myself, my aches and pains are diminished, and even my headspace seems clearer.  The best part about working some exercise into your daily routine is that at nighttime, you will sleep better.  And good, restful sleep creates a perfect physical environment for positivity.
  4. Meditation.  So many people say they can’t meditate.  To these people I say, “Do you pray?”  To me, meditation is a form of prayer.  It is a stillness of the mind in which I can connect to the Divine, make my request, and often times, hear a reply.  The biggest hurdle for many people in meditating is stilling the mind.  This is where journaling is effective: once you’ve emptied your thoughts of all the things you cannot forget, your mind takes that deep breath, and in that breath you will be able to meditate.  For me, meditation is absolutely rejuvenating.  Connecting to Divine reminds me of who I am really, at my core, and shows me all the great things about being human.
  5. Random Acts of Kindness.  The single most effective way to create a ripple effect of positivity, rippling outwards from you, is to do something kind and unexpected for someone you do not know.  Things like opening a door for a person with lots in their hands; paying for someone’s coffee order in the drive-thru; adopting a family of less fortunate people instead of trading gifts with your family; visiting an old age home and chatting with some of the residents.  There are so many ways we as individuals have the power to bring the positive to light.  Commit to one action each day and I am certain you will feel positive vibrations all around you.


Some of these things I have talked about before, on my facebook page.  So not all of it will be new information to you.  Still, compiled together in this list, I see Divinity at work and hope that you will be able to take something away as well.Love & Light,